Congress of Quintana Roo

Congress of Quintana Roo
XIII Legislatura de Quintana Roo
Type Unicameral
Presidente Dip. Fredy Efrén Marrufo Martín, (PRI)
Vicepresidente Dip. Jacqueline Estrada Peña, (PRD)
Secretario Dip. José de la Peña Ruiz de Chavez, (PVE)
Prosecretario Dip. Baltazar Tuyub Castillo, (PNA)
Members 25 Diputados
Meeting place
Palacio Legislativo
121 del Boulevard Bahí
Chetumal, Quintana Roo
Sitio Oficial del Poder Legislativo del Estado de Quintana Roo

The Congress of Quintana Roo is the legislature of Quintana Roo, a state of Mexico. The Congress is unicameral.

External links